When Winter Makes Its Grand Entrance…Will You Be Ready?


Winter Is Upon Us

It is that time of year when the crisp air begins to rise between the mountains. Where the faint smell of fireplaces, and fresh brewed cider begin to envelope your senses. It is the time of year where change and a slower pace is a welcomed sight, and the giant oak trees begin their seasonal dance in the wind. Here in Franklin, NC the Leaves have peaked! There tireless transformation is soon to retire, and the trees will soon rest welcoming winter at our doors. This is the time of the year we start preparing. Stocking our pantries with mama’s favorite goodies, getting out the seasonal decorations and stocking the piled wood for the winter wonderland ahead. Some things to take note on this time of year is preparing our home for that winter’s rest. If you plan on leaving for winter, have you winterized your home? If your hanging around for this quite time of the year have you cleaned you chimneys or had a tune up done on your heating system? Below will be some tips for preparing the greatest investment of your life for winter…your home.

  1. Winterizing your home: When you’re leaving your house during winter for an extended time, it’s important to winterize your property to prevent something going wrong while you are gone. You will avoid using unnecessary utilities and keep out the animals and insects. Find someone local in your area that can do this for you, or if you’re handy enough, check out how to winterize your home online and protect your home.


  1. If you decide to ride out the winter, here are a few tips to enjoying this time, stress free and hopefully problem free:

-Tune up your heating system

– Reverse your ceiling fans: By rotating the blades in a clockwise direction the heat that rises will be pushed to the floor, less heat, more comfort.

– Caulk around windows and doors: If the gap between siding and windows and doors is bigger than the width of a nickel, then you need to reapply exterior calk. Also applying a good weather-stripping around doors will help keep cost down and comfort up.

-Mulch your leaves instead of raking them: Studies have shown that mowing your leaves and leaving them will nourish your grass during the winter months leaving it beautiful in the spring.

– Change the filters in your home
-Have your chimney cleaned

– Restock your winter weather essentials:
Don’t wait for the first winter storm to restock cold-weather essentials. Keep pantries filled, candles and batteries stocked, and water abundant.

Following some of these tips will help ease your mind and your wallet this winter, so you can enjoy the peace and relaxation that winter brings.